Synthesis Area S: Climate models as metrics

Our scientists in Area S will implement new parameterisations and numerics into two national leading coupled climate models and test their performance. Therefore, they provide a metric for the success of the whole project.

Synthesis of all areas

During the course of the project, Area S will use the results (e.g. new parameterizations or refined model set ups) of the other areas in the projects to further enhance and improve climate models.

  • Danilov, S., Koldunov, N., Sidorenko, D. et al. (2021). On the damping time scale of EVP sea ice dynamics. J. Adv. Model Earth Sy. 13(10), e2021MS002561, doi:

  • Sidorenko, D., Danilov, S., Streffing, J., Juricke, S., Jung, T., Koldunov, N. et al. (2021). AMOC variability and watermass transformations in the AWI climate model. J. Adv. Model Earth Sy. 13, e2021MS002582, doi:

  • Gutjahr, O., Brüggemann, N., Haak, H., Jungclaus, J. H., Putrasahan, D. A., Lohmann, K. & von Storch, J.-S. (2021). Comparison of ocean vertical mixing schemes in the Max Planck Institute Earth System Model (MPI-ESM1.2). Geosci. Model Dev., 14, 2317–2349, doi:

  • Lorenz, M., Klingbeil, K. & Burchard, H. (2021). Impact of evaporation and precipitation on estuarine mixing relations. J. Phys. Oceanogr., doi:

  • Ionita, M., Dima, M., Scholz, P. et al. (2021). Past megadroughts in central Europe were longer, more severe and less warm than modern droughts. Commun. Earth Environ. 2, 61, doi:

  • Xu, J., Koldunov, N., Xu, M. et al. (2021). Impacts of Indian Ocean Dipole–Like SST on Rice Yield Anomalies in Jiangsu Province. Front. Earth Sci. 8, doi:

  • Georgiou, S., Ypma, S. L., Brüggemann, N., Sayol, J-M., van der Boog, C. G., Spence, P., et al. (2021). Direct and indirect pathways of convected water masses and their impacts on the overturning dynamics of the Labrador Sea. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 126, e2020JC01665, doi:

  • Sidorenko, D., Danilov, S., Koldunov, N. et al. (2020). AMOC, Water Mass Transformations, and Their Responses to Changing Resolution in the Finite-VolumE Sea Ice-Ocean Model. J. Adv. Model Earth Sy. 12(12), e2020MS00231, doi:

  • Chassignet, E.P., Yeager, S.G., Koldunov, N. et al. (2020). Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2). Geosci. Model Dev. 13, 4595–4637, doi:

  • Semmler, T., Danilov, S., Koldunov, N. et al. (2020). Simulations for CMIP6 With the AWI Climate Model AWI-CM-1-1. J. Adv. Model Earth Sy. 12(9), doi: