Gender Symposium „Equal opportunities during scientific careers”

The event is cancelled due to the corona virus containment measures!! The TRR 181 “Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean” in collaboration with the International Research Training Group “ArcTrain” organizes a one-day symposium to raise awareness for these gendered dynamics and to foster a gender and diversity-sensitive approach to the promotion of early career scientists. Invited are leading gender studies scientists to present their work and to offer workshops for our members and PIs to learn about the science that stands behind the numbers and theories in the field of gender studies.

The event is cancelled due to the corona virus containment measures!!

Equal opportunities in science concerns all career stages. Early career scientists need to know
how to proceed and what possibilities they have. Professors and established scientists need to
know how they can support their young researchers regarding career choices, how they can
foster a gender-sensitive work environment and actively encourage women to choose a scientific

While female students account for over 40% in the Geosciences and Mathematics at German
higher education institutes, women continue to be severely underrepresented at professorial

Research has shown that a number of gender-specific factors contribute to this effect, with
different discipline-specific characteristics and outcomes. For example, effects of gender bias
have been identified in the recruitment and scientific evaluation of researchers, in the formation
of informal networks and the (self-) promotion of junior researchers. Job mobility, which is
particularly important during the postdoctoral phase, can be reduced by caring responsibilities
and dual career considerations.