Joint Career Days 4-5 April

The 2. Joint Career Days entitled: "Career after your PhD - academia, industry or science management" is organised by several graduate schools in Hamburg (SICSS, IMPRS-ESM, IMPRS-Ufast, PIER, MINGS, and CHAMPP).

Similar to the 1st Joint Career Days, also these will take place at the DESY Campus, starting on Thursday, 4 April, with keynotes on the general situation after finishing your PhD, then 3 rounds of round table offers (5 in parallel) will follow.

On Friday, 5 April, we will offer 5 parallel workshops: CV check,  career orientation, 'Kann ich Professor?...' (in German), Career in industry, and entrepreneurship.

The registration webpage will be open on 25. February:

Detailed information on the alumni on the round table sessions as well as on the workshops can be found there. As places are limited and many gradschools participate, early registration is recommended!