Special seminar "Meeting TR 172 Arctic Amplification"
Project members of the TR 172 will visit Universität Hamburg on October 11 for scientific exchange and networking.
We will have visitors from TR 172 on Arctic Amplification (of climate change) in Hamburg on Tuesday Oct, 11. The meeting will be in room 008 Grindelberg 5, Hamburg.
Prof. Manfred Wendisch from University Leipzig (Speaker of TRR 172) will give a talk at 1:00PM about "Arctic Amplification: Climate Relevant Atmospheric and Surface Processes, and Feedback Mechanisms" and Prof. Carsten Eden from Universität Hamburg will give a talk about TRR 181 "Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean" (both 30min).
After the talks there will be coffee provided and there is time to meet and to discuss with Manfred and the other visitors. The seminars will be broadcasted online at DFN. We hope that many of you will participate either virtually or in reality.