TRR 181@ Frankfurter Buchmesse

The editors of the TRR181 publication "Energy transfers in Atmosphere and Ocean" will present the book at the Frankfurter Buchmesse 2019.

Our speaker Carsten Eden, PI Armin Iske and Postdoc Stephan Juricke will present the TRR181 book by Springer Nature at the Buchmesse in this event in Halle 4.2 (Wissenschaftsverlage) from 14:00 - 14:30 Uhr at Academic and Business Information Stage, Halle 4.2:

Drei Klimaforscher aus den Bereichen Mathematik, Theoretische Ozeanographie und Klimamodellierung im Gespräch mit einem Fachredakteur von Spektrum der Wissenschaft: Mit Mathematik das Klima besser verstehen.

Afterwards you can meet them and our Postdoc Rebecca McPherson at the Springer Nature booth in Halle 4.2, F8 and "Ask the Expert" about study choices and career in science.

For more information on the programm:

The Campus Weekend at the Frankfurter Buchmesse is for students and Early Career scientists. The weekend program is tailored to students and a broad public interested in education and science topics. The participating publishers, together with their authors, present a varied program on various stages around the topic of science: from science slams and scientific lectures to tips for career planning. Springer Nature is participating in this series of events and in 2019 will focus on sustainability and climate change.