Workshop "Scales and scaling cascades in geophysical systems" 2018

Our fourth annual workshop on "Scales and scaling cascades in geophysical systems" will be held April 4-6, 2018 at "Haus des Sports" in Hamburg, Germany.

Complex processes involving cascades of scales pose ubiquitous challenges in natural science research. Often the smallest and largest scales are widely separated in such processes, as e.g. for the different dynamical regimes in atmosphere and ocean: gravity waves, small-scale turbulence and geostrophically balanced flow. Interactions between the smallest, largest, and intermediate scales connecting different dynamical regimes challenge our established theoretical or computational tools and the formulation of consistent models.

Confirmed speaker are:

  • Brian Arbic (University of Michigan)
  • Jacques Vanneste (University of Edinburgh)
  • Illia Horenko (Institute of Computational Science ICS)
  • Pavel Berloff (Imperial College London)
  • Erik Lindborg (KTH Stockholm)
  • Stephanie Waterman (The University of British Columbia)
  • Piotr Smolarkiewicz (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)

Sponsored by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 1114, FOR 1898, TRR 181), this workshop addresses analytical and numerical techniques for the modeling and simulation of such multi-scale interactions, including homogenization, stochastic modeling, parameterizations for subscale processes, and structure-aware numerics. It aims to bring together meteorology, physical oceanography, and applied mathematics to foster collaborative research on the related demanding research problems.

There is no fee required to attend but registration until March 14th, 2018 is necessary.


Please register here.


Please submit your abstract here.