Workshop on Conservation Principles, Data, and Uncertainty in Atmosphere-Ocean Modelling

Our annual workshop is held in collaboration with the SFB 1114 "Scaling cascades in complex systems" and the SFB 1294 "Data Assimilation" in Potsdam, Griebnitzsee Campus, April 2-4 2019.

This three-day workshop will review our state of knowledge on energy budgets and energy transfers in the climate system and how they are represented in current computational models. The physical principles of these transfers and their numerical representation will be discussed. In addition, stochastic modelling and data assimilation schemes will receive particular attention in this context, as these are key to representing and controlling model uncertainties.

The name badge registration opens at 8 am on Tuesday at the venue. Have a look at the program or download our abstract booklet.

Scientific committee: Carsten Eden (TRR 181), Christian Franzke (TRR181), Rupert Klein (SFB 1114), Valerio Lembo (TRR 181), Valerio Lucarini (TRR 181), Sebastian Reich (SFB 1294), Edriss Titi (SFB 1114)

Organisational contacts:Nina Fabjancic (SFB 1114), Liv Heinecke (SFB 1294), Meike Ruhnau (TRR 181)

Venue, registration and travel information

The workshop will take place at Campus Griebnitzsee, House 6. Here you will find a map of the venue. The talks will be held in the lecture hall H03 on the ground floor. The registration, coffee breaks and the poster session will take place in the seminar rooms S13, S14 and S15 on the first floor.

Registration will start on Tuesday 2 April at 8 am. If you arrive later, please go to the registration first. The coordination team will be present at the registration desk throughout the workshop.

At the registration desk you will receive a nametag. Please wear it every day, as another conference will also take place in the same building.

The workshop venue is located next to the urban railway (S-Bahn) and regional train station Griebnitzsee. For public transport connections in Berlin-Potsdam area please see or

A map of the larger area, including car parking spaces at Campus Griebnitzsee, can be found here

Information for speakers

In the lecture hall, the following presentation equipment is available: blackboard, beamer, visualiser, loudspeakers, microphones, VGA and HDMI connectors and cables. The speakers should bring their own laptop, if needed an adapter for their laptop, and a data carrier with their slides as a backup (a backup laptop is available).

Information for poster presenters

The poster session will take place in the afternoon of the second workshop day, 3 April. The poster presenters are asked to pin their posters on the poster walls during the lunch break, and to remove them after the poster session or on the following morning at the latest. Posters that are not picked up will be discarded.

There will be no possibility to print posters at the venue. Poster printing is possible at a copy shop in the city centre: Print Express, Charlottenstraße 85, 14467 Potsdam, (approx. 20 € - 30 € per poster).

Wi-Fi connection

You can access the internet via eduroam. Additionally, guest accounts are available at the registration desk.

Workshop materials

Please note that the workshop will be paper-free. The workshop program, the abstracts and information on organisational issues will be available exclusively on the workshop webpage.


The campus canteen is located right next to the workshop venue. It is open from 8 am to 3 pm, and offers a choice of 3 to 4 hot meals, including a vegetarian option and a dessert or fruit to each meal, a salad bar, sandwiches, soft drinks and coffee. Please note that only cash payment is possible, EC cards or credit cards are not accepted. More information on Canteen Griebnitzsee:

Cash machines

There is no cash machine at the campus. The nearest cash machines are at the station Babelsberg and at the main train station Potsdam Hauptbahnhof.


You can order a taxi at one of the following telephone numbers:

+49 (0)331 29 29 29 (Potsdam)

+49 (0)331 81 04 04 (Potsdam)

+49 (0)331 20 15 90(Potsdam)

+49 (0)30 44 33 22 (Berlin)

+49 (0)30 20 20 20 (Berlin)

Day 1: Energy budgets and energy transfer in climate models and data (Patron: TRR181)

Understanding energy budgets and transfers in the climate system is a crucial challenge  in order to evaluate the impact of human emissions in a changing climate. Current models, however, show large biases in energy budgets which is reflected by a missing understanding of energy transfers between different dynamical regimes such as fast and slow waves, turbulence and mean flow.

This workshop puts together expertise from state-of-the-art research on observations, modelling and understanding of dynamical processes exchanging energy within the system. Assessments of current energy and past reconstructions of the energy imbalances in the climate system, the role of parameterisations in order to achieve energetic consistency, and the general role of energy transfers in the atmosphere, oceans and in the coupled system will be discussed.


  • what is the current energy imbalance observed from satellites andocean heat uptake measurements?
  • how is the energy budget measured?


  • what are the performances of climate models in estimating energy budgets?
  • how to address the problem of tuning?
  • how is the energy budget and ocean heat content reconstructed in climate models and reanalyses?
  • what is an energy budget perspective for climate projections?


  • how do energy budget spatial structures affect atmospheric and oceanic dynamics at different scales?
  • insights on new ideas about forcings, feedbacks and effective climate sensitivity;
  • how is energy converted into motion in the atmosphere and the oceans?

Invited speakers:

  • Till Kuhlbrodt (University of Reading, UK)
  • Doris Folini (IAC-ETH, Switzerland)
  • Rune Graversen (UiT, Norway)

Day 2: Data assimilation (Patron: SFB 1294)

Increasingly complex weather and climate models require advanced tools for uncertainty quantification and, in combination with highly heterogeneous data sets, data assimilation. These are needed to calibrate and validate models as well as to quantify uncertainties in model-based predictions.

This workshop will survey recent trends in data assimilation with a particular focus on their link to optimal control methodologies for PDEs, the use of data assimilation for model parameter estimation/calibration and the impact of uncertainty quantification on data assimilation algorithms. We will explore the applicability of these techniques to improve the representation of energy transfer in climate models and the stochastic modeling of moist processes in the atmosphere.


  • pros and cons of established DA-techniques
  • alternative methodologies for combined state and parameter estimation


  • data assimliation vs. flow control methodologies
  • pde-theory on data-controlled flow simulation
  • flow control applications in meteorology, oceanography and engineering


  • ensemble-based techniques for UQ
  • alternative techniques (emulators, stochastic models)

Invited speakers:

  • Ibrahim Hoteit (KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
  • Roland Potthast (DWD, Germany)
  • Edriss Titi (Texas A&M University, USA)

Day 3: Stochastic modelling in atmosphere-ocean science (Patron: SFB 1114)

Stochastic parameterizations are an emergent approach in weather and climate predictions. With their help model uncertainties are represented and subgrid-scale processes are parameterized. While stochastic schemes improve predictive skill and reduce many model biases, their implementation is still rather ad hoc and energetic consistency is rarely assessed.

This workshop brings together experts from applied mathematics, and atmospheric and oceanic modeling communities. This workshop theme will focus on stochastic representation of moist processes, stochastic backscatter schemes in the atmosphere and ocean, energetically consistent stochastic schemes and stochastic representation of model uncertainties.


  • Stochastic moist convection and cloud processes
  • Microphysics representations beyond meanfield theories


  • Metastability, coherent sets, and effective transport
  • Wave-induced effective mixing


  • Variational stochastic fluid modelling
  • Stochastics and uncertainty

Invited speakers:

  • Darryl Holm (Imperial College, UK)
  • Etienne Mémin (INRIA Rennes)
  • Pier Siebesma (TU Delft, Netherlands)