Report - Annual Retreat 2024 in Lüneburg

From September 23-25, 2024, the Annual Retreat of our TRR 181 took place in Lüneburg.

Text: Celine Gradwohl, Research assistant


Collaborating and Learning at the TRR 181 Retreat 2024

From September 23-25, 2024, researchers gathered in northern German Hansestadt Lüneburg for the TRR 181 Annual Retreat: three days filled with engaging talks, discussions, and opportunities to collaborate. It was a perfect chance to reconnect, reflect on the project’s progress, and plan the next steps of the third and final phase of TRR181.


Day 1: Kicking Off with Talks and Games

The retreat started with a welcome talk from Carsten Eden, who set the stage by introducing the third phase of TRR 181. His introduction was followed by an engaging Mercator talk from Jean Bidlot from ECMWF in the UK, with the topic “Ocean wind waves in ECMWF Earth System Model“, sparking plenty of interest and thoughtful discussions.

After a lunch break, things got interactive with an Intercultural Competence Workshop led by trainer Anna Storck. The highlight was the interactive role game "Bafa Bafa", where participants experienced the challenges of navigating a new culture. It was a fun and thought-provoking way to understand how communication barriers can shape our experiences.

In the afternoon, smaller breakout sessions provided a space for focused discussions on key topics, and the first poster session offered researchers the chance to share the recent results of their subprojects. The day ended on a relaxed note with dinner, giving everyone time to unwind and continue chatting informally. One group also gathered in the basement of the hotel, where a traditional “Kegelbahn”, similar to a bowling lane, is set up and enjoyed themselves while “kegeln”.


Day 2: Science and Sightseeing

The second day kicked off with another Mercator talk about “The wave-mediated ocean-atmosphere system“ this time from Øyvind Breivik from University of Bergen. Later, TRR 181 coordinators Lea Diederichsen and Jennifer Fandrich gave an insightful presentation on the coordination tasks, the Outreach subproject and the TRR’s graduate school, highlighting the behind-the-scenes efforts that keep the project running smoothly.

After lunch, subproject teams presented their progress in two PICO Sessions divided into the five research areas of the TRR. The presentations sparked plenty of questions and discussions, keeping everyone engaged. For those in need of a break from science, a tour of Lüneburg and the Salt Museum was a refreshing change of pace, while some researchers chose to stay back and continue their scientific conversations or just to have a cup of coffee.
Before dinner, a second poster session provided another round of discussions, as researchers eagerly delved into the details of each project.


Day 3: Wrapping Things Up

On the final day, the last Mercator talk was given by Rupert Klein from FU Berlin. We heard about “Energy transfers in an incipient hurricane“, rounding off the series of inspiring presentations. Coordinator Lea followed with a presentation of the results of the most recent survey of TRR project leaders and early career scientists, offering insights into the group's feedback and areas for improvement. Afterwards, four breakout groups formed and started planning the upcoming fundamental courses for the new PhD students.

The final wrap-up round with the General Assembly elected new TRR members and the new Vorstand members, before everyone came together for a final lunch. 

As the TRR 181 team departed Lüneburg, we all left with fresh inspiration, new connections and a few more brain cells working overtime. From the intense discussions to the cultural games and city tours, this retreat was a perfect reminder of why we love doing science together. Thank you all for coming and making the retreat such an enjoyable experience!

The coordination team Lea, Jennifer and Celine