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Start of TRR financed ex­ped­i­tion M180 SON­ETT

Ex­ped­i­tion M180 SON­ETT (Syn­op­tic Obser­va­tions - a Nes­ted ap­proach to study Energy Trans­fer & Tur­bu­lence in the ocean) is a key part of the ocean ob­ser­va­tions in the second phase of TRR181 'En­ergy trans­fers in At­mo­sphere and Ocean'. The ex­ped­i­tion will take sci­ent­ists to an ocean re­gion where they can ob­serve many pro­cesses that af­fect en­ergy fluxes in the ocean and the ocean's ex­change with the at­mo­sphere. more ›